Adult Programs

Pursue one of our adult programs

我们努力帮助我们的在职成人学生实现他们的目标,并在他们的职业生涯中取得进步. 了解我们以成人为中心的学士学位完成课程, 执照准备课程和非学分继续学习课程.

Request Info

Goshen College offers a 10% discount on tuition 为已获得戈申学院学士或硕士学位的校友提供学士后课程. Learn more at

Application deadlines for Fall 2024 start:

RN to BSN July 15, 2024
Social Work July 15, 2024
Communication July 15, 2024
Business Management July 15, 2024
Transition to Interpreting July 15, 2024
Transition to Teaching July 15, 2024
English Learners License July 15, 2024


Your goal isn't just a degree.
It's a career. And a calling.

Licensure Preparation Programs

  • 80 %
    Graduation Rate in Adult Programs

Professional Development & Continuing Studies (non-credit)

Why study at Goshen College?
Here's why, in a word.

Convenience and flexibility are our signatures. Our programs are designed for working adults. 我们的学习模式可以让你提高你的技能,并在夜校完成你的学士学位,每周只有一个晚上见面.

You’ll be surprised by how affordable we are. 我们的大多数学生都有资格获得经济援助. 你不能浪费金钱或时间,这就是为什么我们有多种付款方式来满足你的需求,没有隐藏的费用. “对我来说,来这里比上公立大学便宜三千到六千美元.” — Current Student

You’ll benefit from an accredited and highly respected college.
戈申学院一直被评为全美最好的文理学院和最适合在职成年人的学院之一. 我们拥有您所期待的声誉、师资质量和学生成功的历史.

You’ll appreciate the personalized attention, small classes and individual advising.

caring learning community will walk with you on this journey.
“我们仍然会定期聚在一起,我想这就是这个项目适合我的地方.”  — Current Student

You’ll be well prepared by our career-centered approach.
我们相信实践经验和课堂学习一样有价值, 所以我们会帮助你在现实世界的知识上获得大学学分. 我们还将实践经验融入课堂,帮助您驾驭当今复杂的工作场所.
“如果不是这所学校让我变得自信,我不会觉得自己能胜任现在的工作.”  — Current Student

An intercultural education 会为你在21世纪的成功做好准备吗. In today’s work environment, 对受过培训、能领导不同员工队伍的经理人的需求将越来越大.

It’s very achievable. Goshen学院成人课程的毕业率为80%.

Contact Us

Maynard Miller

Adult & Graduate Admissions Counselor

Mailing Address:

Adult & Graduate Programs
Goshen College
1700 South Main Street
Goshen, Indiana 46526

Phone: (574) 535-7535 or (844) 704-3400
Fax: (574) 535-7609

Location on Campus:

行政大楼,位于一楼. Get map and directions.

Student Reporting
