Study-Service Term (SST)

全球教育 at 美国高盛学院

Building Relationships Locally & 在国外

美国高盛学院’s Study-Service Term (SST) offers students the opportunity to approach life, leadership and career as global citizens, able to collaborate for the common good and respect human dignity across cultural differences.

All students devote at least 12 credit hours to global citizenship and experiential learning. You will discuss global issues, encounter people from other cultural backgrounds and volunteer with a community organization. If you spend a semester abroad, you will also learn to speak another language. No matter which theme, format or location you choose, SST will equip you with critical skills to navigate today’s globally connected world.



Immerse yourself in another culture for 13周. You’ll be able to focus on the experience without outside distractions, and your language skills will improve rapidly. Many SSTers form strong bonds with their unit members and host families. Plan for a semester off-campus early in your college career to make scheduling easier.



For a shorter term immersion with the same learning goals, follow a theme over a four-course sequence, spread over several semesters or three-week May terms. Foundations courses and Global Issues courses will take place in a classroom setting. Cultural Perspectives and Community Engaged Learning courses will immerse you in a new context--whether locally or abroad. Register for the experiences below during advising periods, as with any course.



Featuring the 厄瓜多尔 Spring 2020 SST unit. 视频:Eric Miller.


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